Sonnet XX

I heard the trill of a song sparrow today--
It was like spring - in the Botanic Garden.
It caused an image, caused an epiphany;
It was like Proust's tea and madeleine.

I am riding in the Valois on my palfrey
Towards my château, Crouy-sur-Ourcq, a crusader
Come home. I hear the merle, mésange, alouette,
Smell the smoke of logs on the hearth fire;
The cows smell like ripe wheels of Brie
De Meaux; jackdaws harass the parapet.
It has rained. The apple trees and pear
Trees are in flower. It is spring everywhere.
And you were there to greet me, châteleine
of Crouy. Kiss me! I'm home to you again!

Ronald W. Kenyon

© 2000, Ronald W. Kenyon, All rights reserved.